In 2017, I found great new places to travel to and play tennis! Thank you for letting me share them with you. Let me know where you think I should visit next!
Here is a recap of all my 2017 tennis travels!!!! See the video slide show at the end of this page for my favorite photos from my tennis travels. I hope they help you with your future tennis travel plans. Looking forward to many more posts in 2018!!!

The Ritz-Carlton St. Thomas
…What we loved best about the tennis facility was that the intimate courts were nestled in beautiful caribbean foliage. It was truly a blessing to be able to discover beautiful and unique places to play tennis.

Cliff Drysdale Tennis Center, The Ritz-Carlton, Key Biscayne, FL
…Getting away from the cold weather for a weekend, will chase the winter blues away; especially if you can find someplace warm to play and watch tennis!

Cynthia, “Segway” Steve and William, tennis academy, La Quinta Resort and Spa, Indian Wells, CA
…La Quinta Resort and Spa is special because it is a tennis player’s heaven. Everywhere you look, people are walking to and from the tennis courts with their tennis racquets. The enthusiasm of the tennis teaching professionals was contagious

Har Tru Courts, McLean Sports and Health, Tysons, VA
…On our last day, we couldn’t wait to unwind from site seeing and shopping, to play tennis. The concierge team, at the Ritz Carlton, Tysons Corner, set up our tennis reservation, in advance, at McLean Sports and Health.

Tennis time, Majestic Mirage Punta Cana, Dominican Republic
…Imagine relaxing on the beach, and then hearing energetic latin music playing on the beach. I jumped out of my lounge to check it out…and joined in the Zumba dancing on the beach, at water’s edge…and in the water! After playing tennis, working out, and then dancing on the beach, the lounge chairs/beds are super inviting, as the ocean air lulls you into relaxation.

Los Gatos Swim and Racquet Club, The Pro Court.
Most people who move to California, never leave. My husband and I were the exception. … There are many reasons why we return to Los Gatos, California a few times, each year. One of the biggest reasons are the friends we have made at the Los Gatos Swim and Racquet Club, Los Gatos, California.

Bainbridge Island, Washington
…Whether you are escaping the humid east coast steamy summer, unbearable heat of the southwest, or on a cruise ship stop in Seattle, Bainbridge Island, Washington is a great place to visit …for water recreation sports, shopping, rest and relaxation, and of course some friendly tennis matches!

Cañas Tennis, Turnberry Isle Miami, Miami, FL
…The tennis courts were a short walk from our room! We were told it would be easy to schedule a lesson, but we would just have to give them a couple hours’ notice. The weather, in late July, in Miami, Florida was hot and humid, even at 10am.

Cliff Drysdale Tennis, The Ritz Carlton, Key Biscayne
…Not only do you leave the courts each day, exhausted from hitting so many balls and feeling like you have developed more tennis skills, you then can relax the rest of the day at our favorite piece of paradise, The Ritz Carlton, Key Biscayne.

The Ritz-Carlton, Marina del Rey, California
…From hiking to the top of the Hollywood sign, to finding an outstanding, challenging tennis program, there are many places in California to experience a balanced vacation. I cannot wait to return to the fabulous resort, the Ritz Carlton, Marina Del Rey, California.

Diamond Head Tennis Court, Honolulu, Hawaii
…Close to our resort, we found the Diamond Head Tennis Center, at the base of the Diamond Head trail, part of the dormant volcanic Diamond Head (which is also a popular hiking area). We were very excited to play tennis in Oahu

Kapalua Tennis Garden, Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii
…The symbol for Kapalua is a butterfly with a pineapple in the middle. We were told that the butterfly stands for the transformation from agricultural land to resort and the pineapple stands for hospitality. Our visit to Kapalua Tennis Garden epitomized the Kapalua symbol from beginning to end.

ATP Finals, 2018
…When life gives you lemons make a gin and tonic (on the wall of G & Tea Bar, Marriott West India Quay, London, England), or better yet, pack your bags and go to a tennis tournament!

Sunrise in Monterey, Monterey, CA
…A round of tennis, followed by the view of Monterey Bay with a flight of wine was a fantastic way to spend the weekend before Christmas!

The Gates Tennis Center, Denver, Colorado
…in the Cherry Creek area, we discovered another fabulous public tennis opportunity. The Gates Tennis Center (residency not required), outdoor facility, open year round (weather permitting). On the website see their Winter Warriors, die hard tennis players (those who play in the cold weather). We walked around the well groomed Gates Tennis Center, a public tennis facility
Some of my favorite photos from our tennis travels. Have racquet…will travel!
#tennisDenver #MiragePuntaCana #KapalusTennisGarden #California #LondonO2 #Washington #Florida #WashingtonDC #PalmSprings #KeyBiscayne #LaQuintaResort #BNPParibasOpen #bainbridgeisland #colorado #McLeansHealthandFitness #MarinaDelRey #TysonsCorner #RanchoMirage #Virginia #CanasTennisCenter #StThomas #tennisMonterey #ATPWorldFinalstennis #LosGatosSwimandRacquetClub #tennisvacation #HonoluluHawaii #Aventura #CliffDrysdaleTennisCenter #hawaii #Maui #IndianWells